New partnerships for a powerful portfolio

Could we say that we have before us a year of difficult choices between spring crops?

Choosing spring crops has never been an easy task for growers, as there are many variables. This year with the difficult growing season of 2023 in the quiver, with prices of inputs relatively high as the price correction took place after sowing, and with commodity prices following a downward path, producers are at a disadvantage position to make the right choice of crops to reduce risk and risk while keeping their income levels high

Is it climate variability, green transition rules or market conditions that ultimately dictate seeding decisions

The difficulty is one – the reasons are many. All three of these reasons make it difficult to make a decision. Climate variability with prolonged hot spells and reduced rainfall levels makes irrigated crops more costly as there is a greater need to irrigate them, thus increasing costs, while increasing risk for arid/semi-arid crops. In addition, the extreme weather phenomena that have been more intense in recent years reinforce the feeling of uncertainty. The conditions of the green transition with the new ecological schemes and with the new requirements of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) affect the sowing decisions to a certain extent, but the landscape will become clearer once the information of the producers is completed by the competent bodies . Finally, the market conditions with commodity prices, which as mentioned above are at the lowest levels of the last two years, and at the same time the high cost of cultivation significantly affect the psychology of producers

Where is the focus of competition in agricultural supplies at this time and how does your proposal respond to this

AGROHELLAS, like the rest of the companies in the field, is constantly looking for solutions to the key farming problems. More specifically, with the sustainability of agricultural production in mind and with a sense of responsibility, AGROHELLAS has created a complete portfolio of innovative products, which adapt to the new normality of agricultural production. The aim of these products is the adaptation of crops to climate variability, the reduction of the impact on the environment and the increase of the quality and quantity of the products produced

The new collaboration of AGROHELLAS with the multinational company BASF brings the innovative urea inhibition technology closer to the Greek producer with the product 46-0-0 Powered by Limus®, which contains two active ingredients (NBPT+NPPT) to reduce losses of nitrogen in gaseous form up to 98%. This technology is environmentally friendly and belongs to eco-schemes

Continuing product innovation, AGROHELLAS in collaboration with ICL Growing Solutions will introduce CRF (Control Release Fertilizers) to the Greek market – a technology that guarantees a complete and continuous supply of nitrogen to plants from seeding to the surface fertilization, while in some crops from sowing to harvest. This is achieved by the unique technology developed by the ICL company, the “”E-max”” technology, which covers each grain of the fertilizer and releases it gradually depending on the temperature of the soil and the duration of the covering. Thus, the plant finds nitrogen available at all stages, eliminating losses due to evaporation and leaching

In addition, AGROHELLAS has a complete range of biostimulants, suitable to help plants in abiotic stresses. Knowing very well the use of these products and the physiology of the plants, the qualified agronomists of the company help in their accurate and timely placement according to the stage of cultivation and the current climatic conditions, without unnecessary and incorrect interventions. These products can provide solutions in cold situations by restoring the metabolic activity of plants. Examples of such products are Grainfit from the Dutch company EUROSOLIDS, which helps in cold situations, the Eurofolvive BMo product which enhances the fruiting of plants, and the HydraK product, which helps in heat stress situations.

Additionally, for the integrated nutrition of plants, knowing the needs of Greek agriculture, AGROHELLAS in collaboration with the HAIFA company has created specialized products, such as Aminoagro and PhytoAminoagro. These products are enriched with organic matter, polysaccharides and amino acids, which stimulate the physiological and metabolic processes of plants, such as strengthening the root system and increasing the resistance of plants to biotic and abiotic stresses

Finally, great emphasis is placed on the part of trace elements with preparations that are directly assimilated by plants in order to correct nutritional deficiencies, such as the Boroagro product intended for boron nutritional deficiencies and the AgroFe product, which is intended for iron nutritional deficiencies.”

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